In His Footsteps: Journeying Together in a Community for Jesus

In His Footsteps: Journeying Together in a community for jesus is a program inspired by Pope Francis’ 2019 apostolic exhortation on young adults and the 2018 Synod of Bishops on young people.

Charles Sheldon’s 1896 novel, In His Steps, depicts the lives of a minister and those who surround him in the small town of Raymond.
1. Shared Purpose and Vision

Many congregations and organizations struggle to clarify their identity and purpose. Often, even the smallest disagreements threaten to tear them apart. This is because when people lack a shared vision, their values and desires can get out of hand.

Inspiring a shared vision is one of the behaviors outlined in The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. When a group is working hard toward common goals and dreams, it is easier to keep going through challenges. Inspiring a shared vision takes time, commitment and practice. However, the rewards are worth it.

The first step in inspiring a shared vision is identifying your mission and vision. Your vision should describe what you hope to accomplish and how that will benefit the community you serve. Your mission covers values, too. Values are what make up your core beliefs and principles, and they help determine your priorities.

After identifying your mission and vision, you need to share it with the members of your congregation. The best way to do this is to create a culture of inclusion and engagement that encourages everyone’s input.

Congregations that do this will develop a shared vision for their Christian lives. This can take a variety of forms, from a mission statement to a set of themes that guide the congregation’s actions and priorities. A wonderful example is St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Minnesota, which has a vision of “The Way of Jesus.” Their eight themes—story, prayer, simplicity, discernment, reconciliation, hospitality, generosity and gratitude—provide touchstones for the congregation’s life together.

Another way to inspire a shared vision is by having an inspirational leader. This can be a pastor who believes in something very strongly and can engage the hearts of his or her congregation. It could also be a business owner who has a vision of making the world a better place and can inspire others to join the effort.
2. Like-Mindedness

When people are like-minded, they share the same opinions or preferences. They can talk about kittens all day or jousting at the Renaissance Faire together, and they can get along perfectly well. When it comes to Christian life, we must all be like-minded if we are going to grow and serve in the Lord together. We need to be like-minded if we want to live as Jesus did and witness to the world of His salvation and love.

Like-mindedness means being on the same page about the Bible, interpreting Scripture in a similar way and having a shared understanding of what it says. It also means being able to speak the same language about the gospel and mission. It’s much easier to explain the good news to others when we all understand what it is and why it’s important.

Being like-minded is a part of the joy that Paul talks about in Philippians 4:4, where he exhorts Christians to “be of one mind, having the same love, being of one accord, and having the same purpose.” The goal is to have an overflowing cup of joy by experiencing the Lord through fellowship with other believers (Romans 12:12). It’s essential for our spiritual growth.

But what does this look like on a daily basis? Often, people who hear about building communities for Jesus eye each other as if they dropped in from another planet and hope you’ll change the subject. They fear that someone is going to tell them they have to sell all their stuff and move to the country where they’ll wear bib overalls and raise peanuts.

However, if you walk through Christian communities everywhere in the world today, you will see what they should be: people serving rather than being served; people sacrificing their comforts for the sake of the gospel; people putting up with and loving each other despite differences in background, education, social status and profession; like-minded people living the Christian faith together. This is a powerful witness to the world around them. Let’s be willing to make this happen in our own communities.
3. Prayer

It can be easy to think of prayer as a solitary endeavor, a conversation between you and God. It can even be challenging to pray in community if you are not used to it, or if the idea of praying aloud seems daunting. But there is value in being in community for prayer.

Praying in community helps us develop a deeper relationship with God. It also teaches us how to pray for others. Often when we are in community, it becomes easier to identify those who are struggling and to offer them encouragement and support. This is especially true for the elderly, those with chronic illnesses, and those who are isolated due to a disability or other circumstances.

Throughout the Bible, we see that prayer in communities brings about significant life change. For example, Joshua along with the elders of Israel (a community of leadership) prayed for God’s favor after the sin of Achan. Similarly, the book of Judges shows a pattern of God’s people falling into sin, then corporately crying out to Him for help and restoration.

When a church comes together to pray, it opens itself up to the power of God. There have been times in history where entire communities experienced revival, with crime rates dropping and suicides basically nonexistent. We believe this is because when a whole community dedicates every aspect of their lives to Jesus, they begin to experience His healing and transforming love.

The early Christians were known for their devotion to the apostles’ teachings, to fellowship, to prayer, and to loving one another. It’s no wonder that Jesus Himself promoted this sense of community, saying, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” This includes not only how we treat each other, but also how we pray for and with each other.
4. Sharing the Gospel

It is vital to remember that sharing the gospel is a key part of being a Christ follower. Jesus tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” When we see people in our lives who need to hear about Christ, we should take the opportunity to share the gospel with them.

It can be intimidating to share the gospel, but we must trust that God is with us and that He will guide our words and our actions. The best way to prepare for this is by praying for wisdom. This also includes praying for the person you will be talking to, that they would be receptive to hearing about Jesus.

The gospel is the good news about who Jesus is and what He has done to save sinners. It is important to be able to explain the gospel in a clear and understandable way to others. A good way to do this is by using a simple analogy. This can help the person you are talking to relate it to their own life. Avoid using cliched Christian lingo when explaining the gospel – this can cause pre-believers to feel alienated and confused.

Having a personal story about how you came to faith is another powerful tool when sharing the gospel. Talking about your own struggles and how Christ saved you from them can show that the gospel is real and offers hope to anyone who believes in it.

You can also use questions to steer a conversation toward spiritual topics. For example, you might ask someone about their holiday traditions and why they celebrate them. This could lead to a discussion about the meaning behind those holidays and how they relate to Christ. You can even invite them to church and let them know how accepting God is of everyone regardless of their background or lifestyle.

It is important to remember that people from different cultures and faith traditions will respond differently to the gospel. This is why it’s important to adapt our message to each culture or faith tradition. When we are preparing to share the gospel, it is helpful to read the scriptures that Jesus used in each culture. This will give you an idea of the kind of questions and vocabulary to use.

Author: JazzyExpert

9 Ways Who Is Jesus Can Make You Invincible

For over 2000 years, people have asked the question, “Who is Jesus?”

The answer to this crucial question is jarring, topsy-turvy, and life-changing.

That’s why it’s important to understand the truth about who Jesus is. And it’s not hard to do if you look into the Bible!
1. He is the King of Kings

Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of God who became a man in order to redeem humans. He was a perfect Mediator between God and man, and through his death on the cross, He was given the authority to forgive sins and bring forgiveness to all who trust in Him.

In addition to teaching and preaching, Jesus performed many miracles. These miraculous events were seen by many people and recorded in the Bible.

During his time on Earth, Jesus called 12 disciples to follow him. He taught them and worked with them to help them grow in their faith and abilities.
2. He is the Lord of Lords

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Lord of Lords (Psalm 110:1). He is the king who reigns over all creation. He is the one who redeems us from captivity and brings truth to a world filled with lies. He is the only One who can save you from your sins and give you eternal life.

He is the One who came to earth to bring salvation to the lost and bring reconciliation to all who will trust in him. He is the One who will judge all of humanity at the end of time, bringing peace, joy, and justice to everyone who trusts in him.

When the leper in Matthew 8 called Jesus his lord, he was showing him respect as a healer and teacher. When the disciples addressed him as his lord, they were giving him the respect that he deserved as the Messiah. In fact, Jesus is referred to as his lord in every single gospel.
3. He is the Prince of Peace

Jesus is a unique figure in history and offers us a special opportunity to know Him. He is the only one who can save us from sin and make us right with God.

He claims to be the only way to God, the only one who gives truth, and the only one who can give us spiritual life that can’t be found anywhere else.

These are incredible claims. He claimed to be the only one who could forgive our sins, and he also claimed to be the only one who could return from the dead.

He was also the only one who could fulfill all the prophecies of the Bible. He was the son of David, the promised Messiah who would restore his people’s dynasty.
4. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah

The lion is a symbol of power, justice and protection. It has also been associated with majesty and courage.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and his birth fulfilled a messianic prophecy (Isaiah 7:14). It also represented a serious challenge to the Jewish king Herod the Great who ordered all male children under the age of two killed.

After being born, Jesus started preaching about the kingdom of God and gaining followers. He was also a threat to the Pharisees, a group of religious leaders who thought he was the son of Satan.

They began to work against him, and he was arrested and put on trial. The priests accused him of claiming to be king, and he was handed over to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea.
5. He is the Prince of Peace

When Jesus returns, the Bible says He will establish peace on earth. That means He will set up a model society in Jerusalem that will be so peaceful and inspiring that representatives from all nations will come to learn how they can enjoy the benefits of His rule.

When Christ returns He will also bring with Him a whole host of peace-giving resources to help believers experience inner peace. He will help them grow in righteousness, so that they can live in harmony with one another.

This is the only way to experience real peace on a daily basis. It can only be experienced by those who trust in Him and receive His Holy Spirit.

As we prepare for the holiday season, ask God to guide you in your relationships and be an ambassador of peace with those around you. Be sure to spend time with Him this Christmas, as well, and let His peace invade your heart.
6. He is the Lion of Judah

The lion is a powerful symbol of strength and courage that many Christians use to represent Jesus. It also represents a kingly character and is often found in Christian art and architecture.

The symbol of the lion has been used in the Bible for hundreds of years to represent a number of different things. It is especially prominent in the Bible as a symbol of the tribe of Judah and Jesus Christ.

Interestingly, the Bible tells us that Jesus is a descendant of the tribe of Judah and that he is from the line of David. This is a major point of interest for many people in the Christian faith as they seek to understand the true nature of Christianity.

In Revelation, Jesus is referred to as the ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah’ and as the ‘Root of David’ (Revelation 5:5; John 5:22). In this vision, the apostle John is shown a scroll sealed with seven seals and is told that no one will be able to open it until the ‘Lion of the tribe Judah, the Root of David, overcomes so that he may open the scroll and its seven seals’.
7. He is the Lion of Judah

The lion is an animal that symbolizes power, strength, and royalty. In the Bible, lions are often seen as symbols of kings and rulers.

The Jewish people, however, also take the lion as a symbol of their own. This is because of the tribe of Judah’s historical association with kings and rulership.

Moreover, when God says that He is like a lion (Isaiah 31:4), He means that He is powerful and strong, but without being fearful.

So, when the name of Jesus is used as a symbol to describe His power, it’s actually telling us about how He was able to make His way to our rescue. He submitted to His Father’s will and made a tremendous sacrifice for our sins. This immense and perfect sacrifice was what made Him unarguably worthy of being crowned Lord over all.
8. He is the Lion of Judah

The lion is a symbol of power and fierceness. In fact, the Bible frequently uses lion imagery to describe God.

In the Old Testament, a lion is the symbol of the tribe of Judah. It is the tribe that Jacob blessed with a scepter, and the tribe that King David was from.

So it is no wonder that Jesus was called the Lion of Judah, a title that also appears in the New Testament. It is the title that he is given in Genesis 49:9 and in Revelation 5.

In both scriptures, the lion represents the conquering king who comes from the tribe of Judah. The lion also symbolizes the strength and authority that a king has on earth.
9. He is the Lion of Judah

In both Christianity and Judaism, the lion is a symbol of Jesus. It was used in medieval flags, coins and shields to symbolize his power over death and Satan.

In the Bible, the lion is also a symbol of the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. It is mentioned in Genesis 49:9 and Revelation 5:5.

A lion is considered one of the most powerful and majestic animals in the world. It has the ability to kill prey without fear and pounce on its enemies.

The lion is also associated with royalty and power. Many kings and ruling families throughout history used the lion as their symbol.

The lion is also a symbol of African sovereignty and is often used by Rastafari. This is because the lion is believed to represent strength, kingship and pride.

Author: JazzyExpert